Friday, January 8, 2010

Some Serous Advice on Godfather Points

With Mafia Wars quickly becoming the most popular social networking game on the internet I felt the need to clue the new players and maybe even some of your old veterans in on what Godfather Points are, how to get them, and how to use them.

Godfather Points – A definition

Godfather points or reward points are a form of currency in Mafia Wars. They can be used for a number of things within the game.

Godfather Points – What they can be used for

.These points may be used for a number of things including

  • Full Energy Refill
  • Extra Mafia Members
  • +4 Skill Points
  • Money
  • Full Health Refill
  • Full Stamina Refill
  • New Name
  • Crates
  • Limited Loot

How to acquire Godfather Points

Godfather points can acquired in two ways.

  1. They are earned through leveling your character
  2. They may be purchased in lots of 21, 42, 85, 170, 215, 440, 700 for real world cash.

You used to be able to get Godfather Points by completing offers and doing surveys but it seems that those options have been removed from the game.

Advice on how to spend your Godfather Points

If you have a copy of The Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide then you already know all of this as well as how to level as quickly as possible using sound time tested strategies. This information is for those who do not have the guide.

If you follow a strict plan on leveling you will never NEED to spend Godfather points on anything. The only thing that I have ever spent any points on is “+4 Skill Points.” I know there are those who will say that buying energy refills are the way to go but I guarantee you that in the long run the skill points will pay off much more.

The bottom line is that other than the points that are earned for leveling Godfather Points cost money but purchasing them is not necessary. If you are someone who wants all of the items available in the game and have the cash to purchase points by all means do so. But…If you are a cheapskate like me you don’t have too.


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