Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mafia Wars Blue Print Guide Review

Just a few days ago I stumbled upon the Mafia Wars Blue Print Cheats Guide that claimed to help you reach the top of the ladder where all the super star mafias are sitting I was a little curious and some what doubtful. I have heard this story so many times that I would be rich if I got paid a buck for every new tip that came up in a Google search. So many guys commit most of their life into the game. Do I really want to be one of them without doing the same? Well, sort of! I bet you do too!

I have developed a habit that I said I never would indulge in and it’s name is Mafia Wars. There is no doubt that I am not the Lone Ranger in this regard, but that doesn’t make it any less ridiculous. There are millions of people out there who take this game way more seriously than I ever will and that’s at least makes me feel a little less guilty. This Mafia Wars Cheats guide will shave hours off your daily routine so you can still spend time with your family.
Insider Mafia Wars Blue Print Guide

Rather than wondering if I was going to forever be stuck at the bottom of the sewer , I decided to check out the Mafia Wars Blue Print guide and see exactly what it was that the so-called experts were expecting me to do to become one of the top players.

It’s Not That Big Of A Deal

These tips are border line geek genius, and well researched. Not to be insulting to the geeks, but they really dig this research stuff. When you read this Mafia Wars Blue Print guide, you’re going to realize that the guy that created this is a real geek and probably has no social life outside of Mafia Wars. While that may be true, now you can capitalize on his smarts and you can level up.

The guide is relatively simple. It tells you exactly what you need to figure out and master the game from the ground up. If you are already at an advanced level, this guide will advance you further and faster.

My favorite part was when it told me how to get 501 in my family in a couple days. It’s like a short sprint. The recruiting part is simple that you are going to have an “aha!” moment. Here is a big tip. Open dozens of Facebook accounts. Shush!

I’m well on my way to level 200. I am no geek and am not married to the game. But I am feared! If you’re serious about being really ruthless in in this game click on the link and find out what you need to know be the top Don!

Check out the Mafia Wars Blue Print Guide Today!


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