Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mafia Wars Hit List Guide

There are only two types of crooks in the Mafia Wars Hit List. There are rich crooks and poor crooks. I have a bounty on my head that is so large; everyone is chasing me on the Mafia Wars Hit List. I mean… everyone that has even a prayer of a chance to get to win. There are not much of them around as I rule as they don’t know what the Mafia Wars Hit List Guide is all about. I will show you what to do and teach you the some of the secrets of the Mafia Wars Hit List Guide as I want to get you in my mob.

If you are a force worth contending with, then you will have an enormous bounty on your head when someone places you on the Mafia Wars Hit List. If you are one of the small players, you will surely get clobbered all the time. Even when you fight with another Mafia Wars players, there is something that you have to go do first so you can win.

Order The Mafia Wars Hit List Guide Today

The first thing that you have to do is to have enough people on your team. You can go around posting in forum, using the Mafia Wars add me strategy, or you can do it the right way. For all the would-be Godfathers out there, you may want to get the little Dominate Mafia Wars Hit list Guide. It will level you up so fast; nearly all your friends will be left behind.

If you get on the required +501 in your Mafia, then you can go on the ride of your life. Mafia Wars Hit list riding is one of the best ways to gain experience points without spending any stamina or energy. You cannot just go and ride a Mafia Wars Hit List! Have at least 7 experience points before you are wiped out. This will give you 1 free XP. The max XP you can achieve with a good ride is 44.

Aside from the size of your gang, you would need a minimum of 300 defense. But defense alone will not get you saved. What kind of equipment do you have? You can have a lot of bats and crowbars, how far do you think that will get you? Defense is not simply based on the numbers, it is the quality of the equipment that you have. You got to start selling and upgrading fast.

The health that you have has to be more than 240. Never exceed the 300 health. Why, why, why, you would ask. Well, if you can’t figure it out, then I may have to spell it out. What if I told you to just follow? The reason why you cannot exceed is in the Dominate Mafia Wars Hit list Guide. There are different times that you may need to know why, but I can’t really explain a lot of things. I have a current war going on!

If you want to ride the Mafia Wars Hit List, you have to be someone first. There is a Mafia Wars Hit List Guide that can help. Oh, yes, before you go off and start looking at the Mafia Wars Hit List Guide, there are a couple of things to remember. Put your money in the bank and be a bully when you start, it’s easy to pick on the smaller guys. I don’t have to go around begging people take my Mafia Wars add me, it you go to the Black Book, you will become a force to reckon with!


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