Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mafia Wars Add Me Guide

Strategic Mafia Wars Gaming
If you want to be on top of your game, there is a Mafia Wars add me legal strategy that you can use. It is so effective… it is almost like a cheat. Leveling up in Mafia Wars is different from other RPG games. With careful planning and the know-how that will be given to you now, reaching the top will be faster. This Mafia Wars Guide that make you a Godfather like no other. All these strategic tips are here for you now, show to you in a way that it has never been revealed before.

The Key Element Of the Game
Your notifications on social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo and Tagged may be flooding with Mafia Wars add me request. At first, you click on join, as you would like to start playing and have fun with your friends. In the very next step, you have a crucial decision to make about your character. Will I be a Mogul, Fearless or a Maniac? It’s a tough choice, deciding on whether to make more money, recover health or energy faster. Then you pick your name. You start to play, taking one job after another. After a while, you still can’t seem to level up as fast as you want to.

Power Trip
The fantastic thing about playing Mafia Wars is that you can dominate other players. The bigger you are, the better you are. This is the reality of life. Without connections, without a strong team, you have no power. Bringing your mob ahead is your responsibility as their leader. Powerful Godfather in Mafia Wars guide the gang to victory, not defeat.

RPG Games like Ragnarock, DOTA, Left for Dead, and World of Warcraft needs only for you to have your own fighting ability. Sure, you can go on missions with a team, battle against another big group, but that is it. With Mafia Wars having over 5 million players online everyday and getting more recruits all the time, if you get to tap even a small percentage of those avid gamers, you get to boost up.

Advancing your criminal empire means only one thing. You have to get all the online serious players you can. Even with the best gamers in the world, if you don’t have the numbers when it comes to your gang members, you will surely get beaten often. The only ones you can win against are the small fry.

Check Out The Mafia Wars Add Me Guide Today!

How To Level Up Faster
An effective way to level up faster is to use the Mafia Wars add me invitation. You invite your friends in your social network to join your mob. Unless you are one of those super networkers with over a thousand friends who want to play, this will push you up only a little bit.

Another way that is more effective is to post your Mafia Wars add me in forums, fanpages and boards related to the online game. It doesn’t matter what social networking site you are playing the game from. The more post you make, the more results you get.
There is also the most effective way to get your mob bigger and to stop getting creamed. Doing this strategy will give you enormous Godfather points, dominate your rivals, quickly master of levels and jobs, make millions of dollars a day, and have more top level players in your team in less than 7 days.

How Do I Get To Dominate The Game?
There is no need to do things the hard way. Inviting manually is slow and tedious. There are many of your invites that are just ignored as you may be hitting the wrong target market. When you find the people who do want to play, having them join your mob is easier. The best thing about it is they will move, unlike those who just join then no longer continue.

Get the 500+++ strong team members with the aid of a website that is devoted to leveling up Mafia Wars gamers. There is a Mafia Wars Add Me Guide that you can check out, be it for weapons, job mastery, leveling and every single aspect of game. The service being given to Mafia Wars players for them to recruit their gang members can be found at Dominate Mafia Wars Add Me Guide . The results of your Mafia Wars add me request will be visible in 2 hours and in 7 days your gang rules.


Hackeron said...

Add me please:

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