Friday, January 8, 2010

Money Laundering Collection in Mafia Wars

Money Laundering is a new feature in Mafia Wars that is in beta. What this means is that not everyone will have access to the feature. If you are one of the lucky ones that does then you have access to the following.

Collection Items

  • Money Iron
  • Dirty Laundry
  • Dryer Sheets
  • Money Line
  • Roll of Quarters
  • Death by Detergent
  • Dirty Bra

The reward for vaulting this collection is a reduction in bank deposit fees from the normal 10% to a modest 7%.

Those who have access to Money Laundering have a random chance of hitting the “mother lode” when doing jobs and get extra cash. Once you hit the mother lode you will need friends to help you launder the money.

Ask your friends to help you launder the money by publishing to your wall. Once you get enough friends to help you out you will have access to the bonus pay for the job. When you publish your feed and ask your friends to help out they can get a random item from the money laundering vault simply by clicking and helping.

To add money laundering collection items to your wish list use this link

1113 dirty iron
1114 dirty laundry
1115 dryer sheets
1116 money line
1117 roll of quarters
1118 death by detergent
1119 dirty bra

Good luck on gathering all of the items.


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