Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mafia Wars Leveling Guide

Are you tired of visiting every Mafia Wars Forum, Mafia Cheat Guides, and tips blog for information on how to level super fast in Mafia Wars and always coming out empty? I have been down that road. A lot of the sites will purposely give you bad information to steer you in the wrong direction. Talk about a great strategy!
Go from Level 0 to 300 in just 7 days!

If you want to get to the highest levels in this game, then you are going to need the Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide. It just depends on how fast you want to get to highest levels. If speed to leveling is your major concern, then you are going to need help.

A personal friend of mine, Phillip Scott, has the best up to date information on leveling super fast in Mafia Wars. The good thing is that most of his information is free! You need a back door entry to get the free information. He has videos, cheat guides, and an awesome blog. Even if you don’t end up buying his Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide, you will end up with so much free information to not only level up quickly, you will level your competition!

Visit The Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide Today

Phillip’s best starting tip is to choose the fearless character so you can eventually have the job of Wheelman. The Wheelman character uses less energy for jobs. Sometimes no energy!

How about the ultimate recruiting methods? Phillip makes that easy too. He suggests using multiple Facebook accounts. Many of these Facebook accounts can be used as adversaries too.

He has a great free video to teach you secret leveling skills. Click below to watch.

After you watch the video, make sure that you visit his secret blog where you will get hundreds of more tips all for free. I know that most people think that there is nothing for free. I would be dishonest by telling you that Phillip makes no offers to sell you products. He sells the Ultimate Leveling Guide and it’s not for free. It cost less than a few trips to Starbuck’s. It’s the fast track for leveling quickly in Mafia Wars.
Top Mafia Wars Leveling Tips

The only way to get to level up is to earn experience points. If you look at the bar next to your level you’ll see two numbers that look something like this: 139/159 This means that you currently have 139 experience points but you need 159 to move up to the next level.

There are only 3 ways to gaining experience:

1. Doing Jobs-When a job is completed, you will receive payment in the form cash, experience points, a bonus payment that is dependent on the the size of your mafia, a looted item/collection item, and a job mastery percentage.
2. Fighting-By engaging someone in a fight, you can earn between 1 and 3 experience points for each win and a cash reward if your opponent had money. The good news is that if you loose, you will only loose money and not experience points.
3. Helping Friends-This is one of the easiest ways to gain experience because you will be compensated with both experience points and cash all at ZERO cost to you!

When you get close to leveling up, find the job that gives you the most experience you can afford since all of the experience points that are not used to level up will be carried over to the next level.

Always think like a businessman and use up energy with the highest rate of return. Let’s assume that you are only 79 points from leveling up and all you have is 48 energy points and you have 15 stamina points. You need a job that gives you the highest return for that 48 energy points. Now you found a job that gives you 39 experience points for 24 energy points. After you use this, you’ll only have 1 point left. Use the 15 remaining stamina points. Now it’s time to be a bully and pick on a weaker Mafia and fight until you win enough fights to get you to level up! Combine your resources! Fighting occasionally can be good for your health.

Visit The Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide Today


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