Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mafia Wars Bangkok Beta Coming Soon!

From the Mafia Wars application home screen:

"Bangkok Beta Coming Soon: We are happy to announce Bangkok will be going into beta very shortly. We will be asking some of our players to provide important feedback and make improvements for the final release. Please stay tuned.
The question is - who gets to test it? I wonder if it will be like Cuba where about 10% of the game will get access to beta or if it will just be a handful of community members.


Other servers quirks & outages the past few days:

Certain New York jobs were dropping high end Moscow loot pieces over the past day. This has since been fixed according to the Mafia Wars patch notes. Thanks to Kris for the picture:

Between all the Moscow loot that is flooding into the game between this bug, loot drops being added to fights, and Bangkok beta being very imminent, the value of Moscow high quality loot is likely to plummet. Get your lotto collection now before you're left holding these items that are rapidly losing their value.

Differences in super stuffed crate prices:

For some reason some accounts are having to pay an extra 20% godfather points for the same super stuffed crates. Thanks to Randy for the pic:

As you can see, he has to pay 25 godfather points for a single Super Stuffed Crate or 69 points for 3, while my current cost is only 20 and 55, respectively. The only thing I know is that his account is relatively new where my account is many months old.

Servers have also been going in and out over the past few days, but that is to be expected as the game is being prepared for Mafia Wars Bangkok beta and the addition of Moscow loot to fights. I will have more info on Bangkok soon!


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