Friday, January 8, 2010

Mafia Wars Job Mastery Loot Increase Reward

Ever since I posted about getting the lotto collection, I've been getting a lot of e-mails about an unexpected aspect of the post. Many seem to have never read that there was a 10% bonus to loot drops for mastering a tier all three times. You can actually find this information in game. Here is how you can see it with your own eyes:

When you master a job (just a job, not a tier), notice the "Master all the ___ jobs to unlock exclusive rewards" message.

By clicking on the "What's this?" click, an explanation of what the rewards are pops up:

Note the rewards:

- Mastering a tier one time gives a title.
- Mastering a tier two times gives a new title and +5% loot drops.
- Mastering a tier entirely gives a new title and +10% loot drops, in addition to whatever the job mastery reward is for that tier.

Also note that you need to actually completely finish the tier to get the loot bonus - you get nothing for just finishing individual jobs (aside from the stat points of course).


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