Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mafia Wars Got Tools Achievement, Gift Safe House Re-Opened

In addition to the free loot and items, a new achievement was added to the game, Got Tools?:

Pretty easy - just download and install the Mafia Wars Toolbar. You can always uninstall it later if you don't want it - you will still keep the achievement.

Additionally, the gift safe house has been re-opened. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if this is the developers stalling for time to finish Bangkok by the end of the month, but I would jump on it quick! There's 10 slots available in the gift house and you can open a gift (even if no one sent you one) for 2 godfather points.

New Free Godfather Point Link

Thanks to ffFreak for this:

5 Free Godfather points! Enjoy.

No news yet on Bangkok. I'm guessing a lot of it is finished and they are still waiting on a certain percentage of daily active users to finish Moscow up.

If that doesn't work for you, hop over to the Mafia Wars Fan Page on Facebook and click on the link there.

Mafia Wars Bangkok soon!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mafia Wars Bangkok Beta Coming Soon!

From the Mafia Wars application home screen:

"Bangkok Beta Coming Soon: We are happy to announce Bangkok will be going into beta very shortly. We will be asking some of our players to provide important feedback and make improvements for the final release. Please stay tuned.
The question is - who gets to test it? I wonder if it will be like Cuba where about 10% of the game will get access to beta or if it will just be a handful of community members.


Other servers quirks & outages the past few days:

Certain New York jobs were dropping high end Moscow loot pieces over the past day. This has since been fixed according to the Mafia Wars patch notes. Thanks to Kris for the picture:

Between all the Moscow loot that is flooding into the game between this bug, loot drops being added to fights, and Bangkok beta being very imminent, the value of Moscow high quality loot is likely to plummet. Get your lotto collection now before you're left holding these items that are rapidly losing their value.

Differences in super stuffed crate prices:

For some reason some accounts are having to pay an extra 20% godfather points for the same super stuffed crates. Thanks to Randy for the pic:

As you can see, he has to pay 25 godfather points for a single Super Stuffed Crate or 69 points for 3, while my current cost is only 20 and 55, respectively. The only thing I know is that his account is relatively new where my account is many months old.

Servers have also been going in and out over the past few days, but that is to be expected as the game is being prepared for Mafia Wars Bangkok beta and the addition of Moscow loot to fights. I will have more info on Bangkok soon!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Mafia Wars Job Mastery Loot Increase Reward

Ever since I posted about getting the lotto collection, I've been getting a lot of e-mails about an unexpected aspect of the post. Many seem to have never read that there was a 10% bonus to loot drops for mastering a tier all three times. You can actually find this information in game. Here is how you can see it with your own eyes:

When you master a job (just a job, not a tier), notice the "Master all the ___ jobs to unlock exclusive rewards" message.

By clicking on the "What's this?" click, an explanation of what the rewards are pops up:

Note the rewards:

- Mastering a tier one time gives a title.
- Mastering a tier two times gives a new title and +5% loot drops.
- Mastering a tier entirely gives a new title and +10% loot drops, in addition to whatever the job mastery reward is for that tier.

Also note that you need to actually completely finish the tier to get the loot bonus - you get nothing for just finishing individual jobs (aside from the stat points of course).

Sports Mystery Crates, Super Stuffed Mystery Crate, & Dragos

It looks like our new content of the week was just some new items:

The Dragos is the new limited time loot shipment. As expected, it's not all that great, but more disappointing is the fact that it's still Moscow themed.. was hoping for some more Bangkok related items.

Mystery Crate Changes

The mystery crates went through a change this week, and there is now two iterations of the mystery crates now available for sale:

So, the Sports Mystery Crates are functioning much like old mystery crates - various percentage chances of getting various quality items. However, these boxes are now cheaper at 12 points for one or 35 points for three (old was 20 and 55 respectively).

Now, at the old price, a new type of crate, super stuffed crates, are available. Each crate has 1 item (like the old mystery boxes), 3 consumables, and 5 boosts inside. I'll post up the loot list later today - if anyone has any info on it feel free to post in the comments or send me an e-mail!

Other News:

Moscow fights are not dropping Moscow loot. A little late for that, yeah?

Money Laundering Collection in Mafia Wars

Money Laundering is a new feature in Mafia Wars that is in beta. What this means is that not everyone will have access to the feature. If you are one of the lucky ones that does then you have access to the following.

Collection Items

  • Money Iron
  • Dirty Laundry
  • Dryer Sheets
  • Money Line
  • Roll of Quarters
  • Death by Detergent
  • Dirty Bra

The reward for vaulting this collection is a reduction in bank deposit fees from the normal 10% to a modest 7%.

Those who have access to Money Laundering have a random chance of hitting the “mother lode” when doing jobs and get extra cash. Once you hit the mother lode you will need friends to help you launder the money.

Ask your friends to help you launder the money by publishing to your wall. Once you get enough friends to help you out you will have access to the bonus pay for the job. When you publish your feed and ask your friends to help out they can get a random item from the money laundering vault simply by clicking and helping.

To add money laundering collection items to your wish list use this link

1113 dirty iron
1114 dirty laundry
1115 dryer sheets
1116 money line
1117 roll of quarters
1118 death by detergent
1119 dirty bra

Good luck on gathering all of the items.

Some Serous Advice on Godfather Points

With Mafia Wars quickly becoming the most popular social networking game on the internet I felt the need to clue the new players and maybe even some of your old veterans in on what Godfather Points are, how to get them, and how to use them.

Godfather Points – A definition

Godfather points or reward points are a form of currency in Mafia Wars. They can be used for a number of things within the game.

Godfather Points – What they can be used for

.These points may be used for a number of things including

  • Full Energy Refill
  • Extra Mafia Members
  • +4 Skill Points
  • Money
  • Full Health Refill
  • Full Stamina Refill
  • New Name
  • Crates
  • Limited Loot

How to acquire Godfather Points

Godfather points can acquired in two ways.

  1. They are earned through leveling your character
  2. They may be purchased in lots of 21, 42, 85, 170, 215, 440, 700 for real world cash.

You used to be able to get Godfather Points by completing offers and doing surveys but it seems that those options have been removed from the game.

Advice on how to spend your Godfather Points

If you have a copy of The Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide then you already know all of this as well as how to level as quickly as possible using sound time tested strategies. This information is for those who do not have the guide.

If you follow a strict plan on leveling you will never NEED to spend Godfather points on anything. The only thing that I have ever spent any points on is “+4 Skill Points.” I know there are those who will say that buying energy refills are the way to go but I guarantee you that in the long run the skill points will pay off much more.

The bottom line is that other than the points that are earned for leveling Godfather Points cost money but purchasing them is not necessary. If you are someone who wants all of the items available in the game and have the cash to purchase points by all means do so. But…If you are a cheapskate like me you don’t have too.

Is Your Mafia Wars Account In Danger Of Being Suspended Or Even Banned?

Mafia Wars is arguably the most popular of the myriad of social networking games that are available today and it was only a matter of time until Zynga took a harder line when it comes to suspending or even banning accounts.

The buying and selling of intellectual property is one of the biggest concerns for internet gaming companies. While the practice has been around for years many companies turned a blind eye to it because of the expense in prosecuting those who traffic in currency, accounts, and items.

In the last year or so many of the bigger gaming companies have done one of two things. First they have cracked down not on the sellers of such items but those who purchase them. Second, many have opened up their games for free play while requiring players to purchase the top items or even the all but bare necessities with micro-transactions using real cash. Some have done both.

Zynga has not missed what is going on in the industry and has started to follow suit by targeting those players who participate in the buying and selling of intellectual property. Presently they are suspending or banning accounts quite regularly. If you are a player who has purchased items or entire accounts do not be surprised if you try to log in one day and discover that your accounts is no longer accessible.

Leveling and acquiring the best items in Mafia Wars is too easy to put your account at risk. With a proper plan you can level to level 200+ in mere days and will be rolling in cash along the way so there is no reason to participate in such shenanigans.

Recently I have come across a few Mafia Wars “information” sites that are blatantly trying to sell items and accounts right on their front page. While I will not name these sites for obvious reasons I find the practice to be unethical. It is one thing to write a guide or sell a report detailing how to master the game but selling items and accounts crosses the line.

All of the site that I have visited which are doing this are also making use of graphics and logos from Mafia Wars and other Zynga games. I predict that somewhere in the near future the publishers of these sites will receive a nice letter from Zynga which will in essence order them to cease and desist in using the intellectual property of the company.

I will make one promise to all of my readers right now. You will never see accounts, items or currency from any game for sale on my sites. The only disclaimer I will make to that statement are those sites that earn revenue from Google AdSense since the end user has no control over which ads are displayed.

In conclusion, if you are buying or selling the intellectual property of any company and get your account closed, you have nothing to whine about …you brought it upon yourself.

Super Stuffed Crates Are Now Available

I must admit that Zynga keeps the surprises coming when it comes to crates. We have had Yakuza Crates, Woodsman Crates, Wild West Crates and more. Recently Zynga has added Super Stuffed Crates.

If you have been playing Mafia Wars for any length of time you already know that one of the biggest pains in the butt in the game is gathering the consumables that are needed for some jobs. It never seems to fail that you run out of consumables before you complete a job requiring them and you have to back track to get more.

In the new Super Stuffed Crates Zynga has made it much easier. In these crates you can not only get an item but you also get consumables.

Like all crates the Super Stuffed version is purchased with Godfather (Reward) points. One crate will cost you 20 Godfather points and a package of three crates is sold for 55 points.

Super Stuffed Crates are guaranteed a 100% chance to give you 1 special item, 3 consumables, and 5 boosts in each and every crate. The special item is from the current crate set.

Here is a quick list of the consumables that can be found in these crates

  • Blackmail Photos
  • Computer Setup
  • Concealable Cameras
  • Illegal Transaction Records

The boosts that you can get include

  • Boxer
  • Extra Pair of Eyes
  • Hot Coffee
  • Injunction
  • Sandbag Wall
  • Sting Grenade

Personally I am not much on buying crates but if you are looking for a super fast way to get consumables and boosts they may be the way you want to go.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mafia Wars Blue Print Guide Review

Just a few days ago I stumbled upon the Mafia Wars Blue Print Cheats Guide that claimed to help you reach the top of the ladder where all the super star mafias are sitting I was a little curious and some what doubtful. I have heard this story so many times that I would be rich if I got paid a buck for every new tip that came up in a Google search. So many guys commit most of their life into the game. Do I really want to be one of them without doing the same? Well, sort of! I bet you do too!

I have developed a habit that I said I never would indulge in and it’s name is Mafia Wars. There is no doubt that I am not the Lone Ranger in this regard, but that doesn’t make it any less ridiculous. There are millions of people out there who take this game way more seriously than I ever will and that’s at least makes me feel a little less guilty. This Mafia Wars Cheats guide will shave hours off your daily routine so you can still spend time with your family.
Insider Mafia Wars Blue Print Guide

Rather than wondering if I was going to forever be stuck at the bottom of the sewer , I decided to check out the Mafia Wars Blue Print guide and see exactly what it was that the so-called experts were expecting me to do to become one of the top players.

It’s Not That Big Of A Deal

These tips are border line geek genius, and well researched. Not to be insulting to the geeks, but they really dig this research stuff. When you read this Mafia Wars Blue Print guide, you’re going to realize that the guy that created this is a real geek and probably has no social life outside of Mafia Wars. While that may be true, now you can capitalize on his smarts and you can level up.

The guide is relatively simple. It tells you exactly what you need to figure out and master the game from the ground up. If you are already at an advanced level, this guide will advance you further and faster.

My favorite part was when it told me how to get 501 in my family in a couple days. It’s like a short sprint. The recruiting part is simple that you are going to have an “aha!” moment. Here is a big tip. Open dozens of Facebook accounts. Shush!

I’m well on my way to level 200. I am no geek and am not married to the game. But I am feared! If you’re serious about being really ruthless in in this game click on the link and find out what you need to know be the top Don!

Check out the Mafia Wars Blue Print Guide Today!

Mafia Wars Annihilation Guide Review

This one just came across my desk and it’s sweeping the Mafia Wars community at large. Mafia Annihilation Guide. Some guides you are almost afraid to share with the public as they cause sweeping changes in the game. It’s like having an insider secret in the stock market. Having this kind of info can do serious damage to the world markets!

I feel that this guide may be one of those guides that will cause major damgages to the game if this gets in the wrong hands. Do not duplicate or share any of this guide when you get your hands on it. It’s not a big guide. Only 19 pages! No fluff. All killer stuff.

Do yourself a favor and order the guide before the author takes it off the market or before Zynga bans it! Think I am kidding? Read the guide and if you are not 100% pleased within 60 days, get your money back-all of it and keep the guide.

$67 Value. Grab Your Copy Today For Only $27

Mafia Wars Leveling Guide

Are you tired of visiting every Mafia Wars Forum, Mafia Cheat Guides, and tips blog for information on how to level super fast in Mafia Wars and always coming out empty? I have been down that road. A lot of the sites will purposely give you bad information to steer you in the wrong direction. Talk about a great strategy!
Go from Level 0 to 300 in just 7 days!

If you want to get to the highest levels in this game, then you are going to need the Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide. It just depends on how fast you want to get to highest levels. If speed to leveling is your major concern, then you are going to need help.

A personal friend of mine, Phillip Scott, has the best up to date information on leveling super fast in Mafia Wars. The good thing is that most of his information is free! You need a back door entry to get the free information. He has videos, cheat guides, and an awesome blog. Even if you don’t end up buying his Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide, you will end up with so much free information to not only level up quickly, you will level your competition!

Visit The Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide Today

Phillip’s best starting tip is to choose the fearless character so you can eventually have the job of Wheelman. The Wheelman character uses less energy for jobs. Sometimes no energy!

How about the ultimate recruiting methods? Phillip makes that easy too. He suggests using multiple Facebook accounts. Many of these Facebook accounts can be used as adversaries too.

He has a great free video to teach you secret leveling skills. Click below to watch.

After you watch the video, make sure that you visit his secret blog where you will get hundreds of more tips all for free. I know that most people think that there is nothing for free. I would be dishonest by telling you that Phillip makes no offers to sell you products. He sells the Ultimate Leveling Guide and it’s not for free. It cost less than a few trips to Starbuck’s. It’s the fast track for leveling quickly in Mafia Wars.
Top Mafia Wars Leveling Tips

The only way to get to level up is to earn experience points. If you look at the bar next to your level you’ll see two numbers that look something like this: 139/159 This means that you currently have 139 experience points but you need 159 to move up to the next level.

There are only 3 ways to gaining experience:

1. Doing Jobs-When a job is completed, you will receive payment in the form cash, experience points, a bonus payment that is dependent on the the size of your mafia, a looted item/collection item, and a job mastery percentage.
2. Fighting-By engaging someone in a fight, you can earn between 1 and 3 experience points for each win and a cash reward if your opponent had money. The good news is that if you loose, you will only loose money and not experience points.
3. Helping Friends-This is one of the easiest ways to gain experience because you will be compensated with both experience points and cash all at ZERO cost to you!

When you get close to leveling up, find the job that gives you the most experience you can afford since all of the experience points that are not used to level up will be carried over to the next level.

Always think like a businessman and use up energy with the highest rate of return. Let’s assume that you are only 79 points from leveling up and all you have is 48 energy points and you have 15 stamina points. You need a job that gives you the highest return for that 48 energy points. Now you found a job that gives you 39 experience points for 24 energy points. After you use this, you’ll only have 1 point left. Use the 15 remaining stamina points. Now it’s time to be a bully and pick on a weaker Mafia and fight until you win enough fights to get you to level up! Combine your resources! Fighting occasionally can be good for your health.

Visit The Ultimate Mafia Wars Leveling Guide Today

Mafia Wars Energy Guide

If you want to level up as fast as you can in Mafia Wars, you need to be dumping all your points into energy. Just as the saying says in real estate is “location, location, location! ” In Mafia Wars, you should be crying “Energy, energy, energy!” Getting energy is a major concern for Mafia Wars Players.

In the beginning, you may think it’s smart to be a Maniac character because he regains energy faster. A smarter tactic is to choose the fearless character because once the you are in the Wheelman position, you get a significant energy reduction when performing jobs-sometimes ZERO energy!

Energy Packs

Avoid using energy packs in the beginning to level up quickly. This is an expensive us of energy packs. A good use for energy packs is to use them when doing missions to accumulate consumables such as concealable cameras, untraceable cell phones, computer set ups, etc.

Pick The Jobs With High Payout|Low Energy Cost

Take on jobs that that have high payouts. Do the math. It’s simple. Each mission in Mafia Wars you to view the cost by looking at the description under the jobs tab. Perform missions that have low energy cost but high payouts.

Get Yours Hands On The Ultimate Mafia Wars Energy Guide Today

Obtain Collections That Give Energy

What you need to do is get all the collections that give you stamina or energy bonuses, so you will get additional energy every single level to do more jobs.

These collections are:
It’s in your best interest to get all the collections that give you stamina or energy bonuses, so you will get additional energy every single level to do more jobs.
These collections are:

Street Thug Diamond Flush Collection +1 energy
Enforcer Cigars Collection +2 energy
Enforcer Spade Flush Collection +2 stamina
Enforcer Billard Balls Collection +2 stamina
Capo Paintings Collection +6 Energy
Capo Barber Collection +4 Energy
Consigliere Great Race Horses +7 energy
El Soldado Rum Drinks +8 energy
El Capitan Tropical Fruits +3 stamina

Get collections that give you energy bonuses. It’s a great way to grab energy. Use the power of gifting to get these collections. Mention that you will gift back anyone who gifts you!

Energy Management

The life blood of Mafia Wars character is energy. Energy management is a skill that you need to master if you want to level effectively. I have compiled a detailed list of the most energy efficient jobs per tier.

The jobs listed have the highest experience points ratio and work together like magic to give you the most bang per energy point.

This list was created using the basic knowledge that you must have the best mafia in place in your top mafia slots. If not the jobs should still be the highest EPR per tier but will not be exactly as I have listed.

EPR – Experience Point Ratio

1 energy for 1 Experience Point = 1 EPR
5 energy for 6 Experience Points = 1.2 EPR
8 energy for 16 Experience Points = 2 EPR

It is calculated simply by taking the experience a job gives and dividing that value by the amount of energy required to complete the job. The higher it is the better. If you want a tool to easily check what ratio is best check out Verns exp/energy tool

Street Thug Tier
Auto Theft (1.333)

Associate Tier
Bank Heist (2.125)

Soldier Tier
Clip the Irish Mob’s Local Enforcer (1.625)

Enforcer Tier
Run Illegal Poker Game (2.412)

Job requirements: Tokens and cars which you can make on this tier by completing the Manufacture Tokens and Get Cheating Deck jobs in the jobs preparation section of this tier. The great thing about using this strategy is that both jobs have an EPR of 1.75. Make to factor this in when working on this tier.

Hitman Tier
Repel the Yakuza (1.909)

Capo Tier
Whack a Rival Crew Leader (1.833)

Consigliere Tier
Dispose of a Body (1.909)

Underboss Tier
Order a Hit on a Public Official (2.065)

This job requires an Untraceable Cell Phone which you can get by doing “Rob an Electronic Store” on the Enforcer tier. It only has an EPR of 1.381 so you will have to use it to fill in when you have more than enough energy to level.

Boss Tier
Settle a Beef …Permanently (2.114)

El Soldado Tier
Silence a Noisy Neighbor (1.821)

El Capitan Tier
Meet With The FRG Leadership (1.909)

El Jefe Tier
Offer “Protection” To A Nightclub (1.970)

El Patron Tier
The jobs listed below all provide 2.0 EPR

Establish a Loansharking Business
Eliminate A Rival Family’s Agent
Execute a Regional Arms Dealer
Gun Down An Enemy Crew At The Airport

The first on the list “Establish a Loansharking Buisness” requires 3 Politico Corrupto per job. These are acquired by taking over a Bribery Ring in the Cuban business section. You will need a lot of these so buy that business and upgrade it as fast as you can.

El Padrino Tier
Supply the FRG With Some Extra Muscle (2.052)

El Cacique Tier
Send Some Help Home to New York (2.036)

I hope all this helps!

Visit Mafia Wars Energy Guide Today. Click Here Now!

Mafia Wars Loot Guide

Mafia Street Thug|Level 1-4

* .22 Pistol- The first loot item that you will acquire is the 22 Pistol. It’s not that powerful. With that said, you are going to need it! Get the .22 Pistol when you take on the job “Beat Up Rival Gangster.”
* 9mm Semi-Automatic -Rob A Pimp! What I love about this game is revenge. Pimps are dirt bags. In real life, I would love to kick one down. It’s not a problem to be personal in this game.

Mafia Associate|Level 5-8

* Butterfly Knife-Collect Protection Money
* Tactical Shotgun – Perform Hits on Targets
* Brass Knuckles – Rough Up Drug Dealers
* .45 Revolver – Take Out A Rouge Cop

Soldier Level|Level 9-12

* Firebomb – Job: Steal a Tanker Truck
* Automatic Rifle – Job: Bust a Made Man Out of Prison
* C-4 – Job: Destroy Enemy Mob Hideout
* Stab-Proof Vest – Job: Kill A Protected Snitch
* Semi-Automatic Shotgun – Job: Fight a Haitian Gang
* Lucky Shamrock Medallion – Job: Clip the Irish Mob’s Local Enforcer

For detailed information on the fastest methods possible obtaining Mafia Wars Loot click on the link below!

Read The Mafia Wars Loot Guide Today And Legally Cheat Your Way To The Top!

Mafia Wars Add Me Guide

Strategic Mafia Wars Gaming
If you want to be on top of your game, there is a Mafia Wars add me legal strategy that you can use. It is so effective… it is almost like a cheat. Leveling up in Mafia Wars is different from other RPG games. With careful planning and the know-how that will be given to you now, reaching the top will be faster. This Mafia Wars Guide that make you a Godfather like no other. All these strategic tips are here for you now, show to you in a way that it has never been revealed before.

The Key Element Of the Game
Your notifications on social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo and Tagged may be flooding with Mafia Wars add me request. At first, you click on join, as you would like to start playing and have fun with your friends. In the very next step, you have a crucial decision to make about your character. Will I be a Mogul, Fearless or a Maniac? It’s a tough choice, deciding on whether to make more money, recover health or energy faster. Then you pick your name. You start to play, taking one job after another. After a while, you still can’t seem to level up as fast as you want to.

Power Trip
The fantastic thing about playing Mafia Wars is that you can dominate other players. The bigger you are, the better you are. This is the reality of life. Without connections, without a strong team, you have no power. Bringing your mob ahead is your responsibility as their leader. Powerful Godfather in Mafia Wars guide the gang to victory, not defeat.

RPG Games like Ragnarock, DOTA, Left for Dead, and World of Warcraft needs only for you to have your own fighting ability. Sure, you can go on missions with a team, battle against another big group, but that is it. With Mafia Wars having over 5 million players online everyday and getting more recruits all the time, if you get to tap even a small percentage of those avid gamers, you get to boost up.

Advancing your criminal empire means only one thing. You have to get all the online serious players you can. Even with the best gamers in the world, if you don’t have the numbers when it comes to your gang members, you will surely get beaten often. The only ones you can win against are the small fry.

Check Out The Mafia Wars Add Me Guide Today!

How To Level Up Faster
An effective way to level up faster is to use the Mafia Wars add me invitation. You invite your friends in your social network to join your mob. Unless you are one of those super networkers with over a thousand friends who want to play, this will push you up only a little bit.

Another way that is more effective is to post your Mafia Wars add me in forums, fanpages and boards related to the online game. It doesn’t matter what social networking site you are playing the game from. The more post you make, the more results you get.
There is also the most effective way to get your mob bigger and to stop getting creamed. Doing this strategy will give you enormous Godfather points, dominate your rivals, quickly master of levels and jobs, make millions of dollars a day, and have more top level players in your team in less than 7 days.

How Do I Get To Dominate The Game?
There is no need to do things the hard way. Inviting manually is slow and tedious. There are many of your invites that are just ignored as you may be hitting the wrong target market. When you find the people who do want to play, having them join your mob is easier. The best thing about it is they will move, unlike those who just join then no longer continue.

Get the 500+++ strong team members with the aid of a website that is devoted to leveling up Mafia Wars gamers. There is a Mafia Wars Add Me Guide that you can check out, be it for weapons, job mastery, leveling and every single aspect of game. The service being given to Mafia Wars players for them to recruit their gang members can be found at Dominate Mafia Wars Add Me Guide . The results of your Mafia Wars add me request will be visible in 2 hours and in 7 days your gang rules.

Mafia Wars Collection Guide

Getting Mafia Wars collections is a great way of snagging some extra bonuses that you can use to pull one over on the competition. The rewards are tied to a specific tier and cannot be found anywhere else. For example the items in the Consigliere tier will not drop in Cuba.

Do you have an inventory? Do you own a vault and collect items for it? Do you like your collections to be rare items from New York, Cuba and Moscow? Do you acquire your collection items from doing jobs or by asking and receiving from other people? If you answer a resounding “yes” to these questions, then you’re probably familiar with the Mafia Wars Collection.

In the Mafia Wars Collection game, there are several job tiers that you need to complete by consuming certain amount of energy. Once you have completed the collection, you can vault it and get a bonus increase either in health, energy, stamina, attack and defense—all elements necessary to make you the great mafia member! If you can complete the vault several times, you can get an item that will give you an instant boost.

Click Here To View The Ultimate Mafia Wars Collection Guide!

Here are some of the jobs in New York and the collectible that can be found:

Job Tier: Street Thug
Name: Diamond Flush
Items: (Eight of Diamonds, Nine of Diamonds, Ten of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds, Queen of Diamonds, King of Diamonds and Ace of Diamonds)
1st Vault: +1 energy
2nd Vault onwards: Trip wire (+10 fight defense skill)

This is the first job tier in the New York mission. The collection items in this series are from the diamond deck of playing cards. When all seven cards are completed and vaulted, the player can receive an energy increase. Complete the cards again and get a trip wire. The trip wire will give you an instant increase in defense skill.

Job Tier: Consigliere
Name: Great Race Horses
Items: Mill Reef, Sea Bird, Arkle, Golden Miller, St Simon, Ormonde and Eclipse
1st Vault: +7 energy
2nd Vault onwards: Inside tip (-16 job energy costs)

Job Tier: Hitman
Name: Rings
Items: (Topaz Ring, Opal Ring, Amethyst Ring, Emerald Ring, Sapphire Ring, Ruby Ring, Diamond Ring)
1st Vault: +4 defense
2nd Vault onwards: Blue prints (-10 job energy costs)

The Ring collection is only available for the Hitman job tier. Each job in the tier can randomly you gem stone rings. If completed and vaulted, you can get a four points increase in defense. The “That’s Amore” achievement can also be claimed in this collection when you give a diamond ring to a player below level 8. Vault the collection again and get blue prints. Just like the inside tip, it will help you lessen the costs of completing a job.

Job Tier: Capo
Name: Cufflinks
Items: (Silver Cufflinks, Gold Cufflinks, Amber Cufflinks, Jasper Cufflinks, Agate Cufflinks, Onyx Cufflinks, Pearl Cufflinks)
1st Vault: +10 health
2nd Vault onwards: Corporate Muscle (+35 attack skill)

The Cufflinks collection is another part of the Mafia Wars Collection. The items to be collected here are cufflinks that are common as men’s accessories for their suits. Complete the collection and you get a ten points plus in health. Get a boost for its completion the second time and get a Corporate Muscle which will increase your attack skill by 35 points.

After advancing to higher levels, one of the collections that are made available is the Great Race Horses collection. The collection items are named after race horses that made a mark in the history of racing. Complete the seven horses and get an additional seven energy points. Do this again and get an inside tip, an item which will help you spend less energy on completing jobs.

Of course, there are also job tiers in Cuba and Moscow which form part of the Mafia Wars Collection. Here are some:

Job Tier (Cuba): El Soldado
Name: Rum Drinks
Items: Pina Colada, Hurricane, Bahama Mama, Mojito, Rum Runner, Long Island Iced Tea and Cuba Libre
1st Vault: +8 energy
2nd Vault onwards: Flaming Shot (+30 fight attack skill)

Job Tier (Moscow): Balkany Episode
Name: Prison Tattoos,
Items: Church Tattoo, Star Tattoo, Spider Tattoo, Tiger Tattoo, Skull Tattoo and Crucifix Tattoo
1st Vault: +6 defense
2nd Vault onwards: Temporary Tattoo (+42 fight defense skill)

Remember, the key in completing each Mafia Wars Collection is to finish the job tier. Make the completion fast by not jumping from one job tier to another. Concentrate on one job tier until you reach Level 3 or when you see the status as “Mastered”.

Click Here To View The Ultimate Mafia Wars Collection Guide!

Mafia Wars Tips Guide

I want to save you a lot of time in leveling and give to you some top Mafia Wars Tips. Free tips abound on the Internet. However, I have found that the best Mafia Wars Tips are in the “guides”. The great thing that the best guides give you are free tips via updates. These are priceless! As the rules change, you will receive free tips. If you wanna level faster, jump on board and I will point you in the right direction.

Put Yourself On Someone’s Hit list
This is kind of a sleazy way to gain points and experience in Mafia Wars. I have created multiple player profiles that I use just for this type of activity. They are prominent players in my Mafia,but at a lower level. The big tip is to create lots of characters for yourself.

For this lower level player I go into my mafia, select your own major profile, and add you to the hit list.

Another method is to ask some lower level Mafia Wars players to attack you. You can return the “favor” by beating up a local Mafia Wars bully. You are doing this for experience. Just make sure that you don’t allow yourself to get whacked! Double crossing happens frequently in this game.

Mafia Wars Banking Tips
Don’t put your money in a bank. The 10% fee is enough to bankrupt you. Better off getting robbed and loosing only the maximum amount of $100,000 rather than getting charged the 10% banking fee. In the beginning when you are broke, use real estate for your bank.

Real Estate On Steroids Tip
Why purchased just one property when you can purchased 10 properties for half price? In Mafia Wars, the price of property increases by 10% each time you add an additional property.

For example, if you purchased your first property for $10,000, the next property will cost $11000, the second $12,000, the third $13,000, and the tenth $20,000

Try this secret tip next time when purchasing real estate: Using the pull down menu with the number next to the “buy” button, you’ll buy 10 properties for only $5000.

Gift To Family Members Tip
You really need to think about long term relationships. Just like your family, you have a few members that you don’t really like. But they are family. Give them gifts and keep them happy because you may need them sooner than you think! Make sure that they have essential items like a vehicle, armor, and weapons.

Keep Your Energy Packs-Don’t Waste ‘em! When you get really close to the next level-like two hundred points next level, hold on to your energy pack as you’ll be instantly re-energized upon reaching that next level.

Health Tip
I honestly think the health stat is totally useless since you can check into a hospital anytime for healing. If you feel like you need the bulletproof achievement knock yourself out, otherwise don’t waste any energy here!

Limited Time Offers Tips
You need to keep your personal mafia well equipped with weapons, collections, and other gifts. Why? Because there is going to come a time when you want to kick some ass and take names on the offense or have a rock solid wall on defense.

Look on the home page right under the “home” button there will be an item listed that requires a certain number of mafia. It can be armor or a weapon, or something very useful. If the deal is good and you need the items, stock pile them!

I have lots more of Mafia Wars Tips. Click on my links and glean all the tips that are available.

Click Here To Visit The Ultimate Mafia Wars Domination Tips Guide

Mafia Wars Godfather Points Guide

If you are looking for Godfather points when playing Mafia Wars, you need to understand the a few basic essentials of Godfather points.

Zynga earns money with Mafia Wars through various offers and will reward you with Godfather points. Godfather points are like Costco rewards dollars. A great deal a lot of times and a bum deal at other times.

There are many things that you can do with Godfather Points. I think the best use is to plow the points into energy. A perfect example of Godfather Points usage is to go for a full energy refill or for the four skill points.

When you first start the game, avoid spending Godfather points. Many novices will trade them for money. DON’T BOTHER! Having more money is great, but it’s better to use your rental properties than Godfather points to generate cash. After you level up quickly, you will have so much money that it’s almost useless!

Free online surveys are another way to obtain Godfather points. However, this is a very slow way to accumulate mafia wars Godfather Points, but every little bit helps right? Free online surveys are the best choice for the money minded Mafia Wars player. Obtaining Mafia Wars Godfather points will most certainly increase your progress and leveling. If you’re looking for a way to stockpile a huge amount of points quickly I recommend reading the Mafia Wars Cheats guides that I have listed on my website.

Take a quick look at The Dominate Mafia Wars Guide today!

Try filling out offers under the Godfather tab. Get the free ones. Most of the offers entice you to pay or buy something.

Be careful! Skip the offers that require cash. It’s a guarded secret that only a select few know! For example, try clicking on the button that says “Free” or “Surveys,” there are many offers that pay out between 4–8 reward points by filling out a form. You will want to open up a junk mail email address if you want to avoid all the frivolous offers that are sent to you.I love free.

Don’t fall into the traps that Zynga tries to bait you with. Zynga is great and I love them! They have created the coolest
onlinerole playing game in history. But they will take your money as fast as the government. Mafia Wars friends are sold by Zynga! The friends are are not able to assist in any way. Powerless. By pass the buy friends offers!

Many of Zynga’s offers are superb because many of the offers are products or services that are usable. Blockbuster is a good example. Sign up for and get free Godfather points.

Your best bet on finding free Godfather points is to search Google every day for fresh Godfather points.
Ultimate Godfather Points Tips

Use Godfather points on:

* Energy Refills-after you have built up your total energy points
* Crates-This can be a gamble, but at least you get something!
* New name-You could not have screwed up this bad.Otherwise, don’t even bother.
* Skill Points-These babies are yours forever!

Never waste your Godfather points on:

* Money-You can always rob someone.
* Restore Health-A hospital stay is just a click away.
* Stamina-There are easier ways to get stamina.
* Recruiting Family Members-My website has the fastest recruiting methods!

Go to Mafia Wars Black Book Cheats today for the best reviews, guides and tips on Mafia Wars.

Mafia Wars Attack Guide

If you want to reign supreme, like I do, and prevail as one the kingpins of Mafia Wars, there is a way to do it by using a strategic Mafia Wars attack. Unless you want to continue as loser, the strategy of leveling up and winning is by following the tips that is given here as part of the Mafia Wars Attack guide. I will get you out of being clobbered and you learn the ways of the Mafia. Having a criminal mind means defensive and offensive playing. You may have all the weapons in your arsenal but if you don’t know what to use and when to use it, your Mafia Wars attack will fail.

Here is one Mafia Wars attack tip that will get you out of basic strategy and bring you to the advanced level. Did you realize that wielding an attack that has a higher point stat is most often used rather than on that is just defense… this is a skilled way to have a Mafia Wars attack. I don’t really understand why some people would prefer to go pressing a lot of buttons and Work their way to a higher level. Mafia Wars takes planning to go forward.

The basic modus operandi in mafia wars depends on how you practice Skill Points toward Attack, Defense, Energy, Health, and Stamina. These are Mafia Wars basic guides. Skilled players will unlock and manipulate a fusion of these strategies. The Mafia Wars Attack Guide will aid your campaign and l sustain you realize more wins. The trick here is to your add skill points to both your Mafia Wars attack and defense. The skill has to be as equal as possible. Seeing that you might sometimes be unmatched in and have a big chance to lose the fight, you will have to go and do the Mafia Wars add me strategy. The strength of your force is vital; your first targeted goal is 501+ mafia members.

Download The Mafia Wars Ultimate Attack Guide Today!

Don’t ever forget to put your money in the bank or you will be robbed. When you start, you need items. You need weapon, armor, and one vehicle per mafia member. Do start by buying the most expensive one you can afford, as if you are stuck with small jobs, you make less money. As soon as you get skill points, build up your energy so you can do bigger jobs. As you build up a force to reckon with you should also build up some stamina. If you don’t have stamina, you will not be able to win good fights.

These are the basic Mafia Wars attack guide. If you want to level up faster than ever before, rule and dominate, and destruct anything that can come your way, you will need the little Black Book of Mafia War Cheats. I don’t know what kind of a gangster you are if you still have ethics about using Mafia Wars Codes. There are some Mafia Wars Codes that can fill your to bully your way up so that your gang will actually start beating some worthy opponents.

If you need to level up so fast that all your fantasies can come true, if you want power and everything that goes with it, you can find out about my Mafiosi secrets by getting the Mafia Wars Ultimate Attack Guide. You can access that site now or continue reading on for a few more tips that will surely make a more of a man out of you. Mafia Wars Codes are yours for the taking, but are you worth it or is your sorry butt already used to being kicked?

Mafia Wars Hit List Guide

There are only two types of crooks in the Mafia Wars Hit List. There are rich crooks and poor crooks. I have a bounty on my head that is so large; everyone is chasing me on the Mafia Wars Hit List. I mean… everyone that has even a prayer of a chance to get to win. There are not much of them around as I rule as they don’t know what the Mafia Wars Hit List Guide is all about. I will show you what to do and teach you the some of the secrets of the Mafia Wars Hit List Guide as I want to get you in my mob.

If you are a force worth contending with, then you will have an enormous bounty on your head when someone places you on the Mafia Wars Hit List. If you are one of the small players, you will surely get clobbered all the time. Even when you fight with another Mafia Wars players, there is something that you have to go do first so you can win.

Order The Mafia Wars Hit List Guide Today

The first thing that you have to do is to have enough people on your team. You can go around posting in forum, using the Mafia Wars add me strategy, or you can do it the right way. For all the would-be Godfathers out there, you may want to get the little Dominate Mafia Wars Hit list Guide. It will level you up so fast; nearly all your friends will be left behind.

If you get on the required +501 in your Mafia, then you can go on the ride of your life. Mafia Wars Hit list riding is one of the best ways to gain experience points without spending any stamina or energy. You cannot just go and ride a Mafia Wars Hit List! Have at least 7 experience points before you are wiped out. This will give you 1 free XP. The max XP you can achieve with a good ride is 44.

Aside from the size of your gang, you would need a minimum of 300 defense. But defense alone will not get you saved. What kind of equipment do you have? You can have a lot of bats and crowbars, how far do you think that will get you? Defense is not simply based on the numbers, it is the quality of the equipment that you have. You got to start selling and upgrading fast.

The health that you have has to be more than 240. Never exceed the 300 health. Why, why, why, you would ask. Well, if you can’t figure it out, then I may have to spell it out. What if I told you to just follow? The reason why you cannot exceed is in the Dominate Mafia Wars Hit list Guide. There are different times that you may need to know why, but I can’t really explain a lot of things. I have a current war going on!

If you want to ride the Mafia Wars Hit List, you have to be someone first. There is a Mafia Wars Hit List Guide that can help. Oh, yes, before you go off and start looking at the Mafia Wars Hit List Guide, there are a couple of things to remember. Put your money in the bank and be a bully when you start, it’s easy to pick on the smaller guys. I don’t have to go around begging people take my Mafia Wars add me, it you go to the Black Book, you will become a force to reckon with!

Mafia Wars Defense Guide

One of the first things that new players look for in Mafia Wars is defense. Mafia Wars defense enables a player to have strength and resistance against attacks of other mafia players.

The basic advantage of having a great defense is that your two most important stats when building an empire are protected. When players attack, there are injuries that can be sustained. There is decrease in terms of health and money. The same thing happens when you attack another player. You damage their health and you take their money when you win a fight.

The two elements that are hit when players attack are the most important one. This is because when starting out in the game, you need the money to buy items and health to gain experience points.

There are two ways on how to increase defense. The first one is to use the skill points earned for every achievement, level up, job mastery and job tier mastery. On the other hand, there is another way to increase the defense of your mafia. There are items available that can make this happen. Some of these items can be bought while some are acquired after missions or fights.

Order The Mafia Wars Defense Guide Today!

Here are some of these items:

Body Armor
The body armor is one of the two purchasable armors that are available in New York. The cost of this item is $16,000.00 and has an upkeep of $400.00. The item offers +4 attack and +7 defense.

Bullet Proof Vest
This is another defense item in Mafia Wars. However, it does not offer much defense as it only gives +4. This item costs only $6,000.00 and no upkeep.

Chain Gun
In terms of weapons, it is the chain gun that offers the highest defense in New York. For $200,000.00, your defense is up by +14 and your attack is increased by +16.

Tommy Gun
This gun is the other weapon in New York that offers a great plus in defense. It costs $120,000.00 and adds +10 in the defense.

Gadyuka-5 Pistol
This is weapon available in Cuba. The Gadyuka-5 Pistol is the one that offers the highest defense among all other Cuban weapons. It comes with a +19 in defense and + 14 in attack.

Lead Pipe
Aside from the Gadyuka-5 Pistol, the lead pipe is the next weapon in Cuba that offers great defense. For C$5,000.00, get a +13 in defense and +14 in attack.

There are also Mafia Wars defense items that can be acquired through loot drop. By doing jobs or fighting against another player, items are dropped and kept in your inventory.

Gaff Hook
This is a weapon found in Cuba by doing the “Pillage a Shipyard” job under the El Jefe job tier. This uses 46 energy points and other related items. The Gaff Hook increases the defense by +35 and attack by +20. This item can also be gifted to a Mafia family member.

Ballistic Knife
This item is available in Moscow. Ballistic knife can be acquired by doing the Silence a Political Critic job under Episode 2, Chapter 1 of the Moscow edition. It offers a +28 in defense and +20 in attack.

There are many other items available for Mafia Wars defense. No matter how you acquire it, it will definitely come in handy when it comes to protecting your health and your wealth.

Order The Mafia Wars Defense Guide Today!

Mafia Wars Achievements Guide

Are you looking to gain more Mafia Wars Achievements? Have you banged your head against your desk in frustration? Read on because I know that MW achievements help is just a mouse click away!

There are many Mafia Wars achievements available in New York and Cuba. The achievement gives you +1 stat point upon completion and envy points from your beaten down friends. They are a good deal to work for and additionally you can pick up some extra stat points along the way. Here is my list of Mafia Wars achievements and a summary on how to acquire them:

* Unstoppable Win 15 fights in a row. Try this short cut. Beat up on one player. Click on his/her profile and copy the attack link on your address bar and hit refresh for 15/100 times or until you run out of stamina. When you run out of stamina, bookmark the link for later when you have regenerated your stamina. Zynga does not consider 100 times attacking as abusive. I suggest doing this while the other player is conked so hard on his noggin he never knew they were attacked.
* Armed & Dangerous Own 10 Tommy guns
* Personal Fleet Own 500 town cars
* The Best Offense Defeating 6 attackers in a row
* Curator Vault at least nine New York collection sets
* Collector Vault any collection set
* Wing Man Help out 10 friends who call for backup
* Mercenary Help out 200 friends who call for backup
* Knife Thrower Looting 10 Butterfly Knives
* Spreading it Around Send 501 gifts to your mafia
* Havana Hat Trick Master at least one job tier in Cuba
* No Razors Needed Vault the entire beard collection
* Giver Send ten gifts to your mafia
* Working Man Doing 20 jobs in one day
* Dependable Doing a job every day for seven days
* Slum Lord Owning 30 Apartment Complexes
* Cashing Out Sell 50 Mega Casinos
* Uncle Sam Owning 50 Federal Agents
* Bulletproof Surviving for over 60 minutes on the Hit List
* Treasure Hunter Find a Rare Item in a Mystery Crate
* Napoleon Complex Defeat someone with a bigger mafia
* The First is the Hardest Deposit $1,000,000 at once (add bank fee)
* Personal Bailout Deposit $1,000,000,000 at once (after bank fee is added)
* That’s with a “T” Deposit $1,000,000,000,000 at once (after bank fee is added)
* Nest Egg Deposit $10,000,000,000,000 at once (after bank fees)
* My Little Friend Gifting an M16A1 to anyone
* Big Spender Purchase an item or service with Reward Points
* Getting the Crew Together Promoting friends to each Top Mafia position
* Crime C.E.O. Assemble a Top Mafia with all players above the 100 level
* What’s after Trillion? Deposit 999 Trillion Dollars
* That’s Amore Give a Diamond Ring to any player that is below level 8

Order the Mafia Wars Achievements Guide Now!
Mafia Wars Achievements Super Tip

Armed and Dangerous, Personal Fleet, Slum Lord, Cashing Out, The first is the Hardest, Personal Bailout (Earned by owning 10 Tommy Guns/500 Town Cars/30 Apartment Complexes/selling 50 Mega Casinos/banking 1 million at once/banking 1 billion at once)

Complete all these achievements when you have $NY1,111,111,111 or more money on your character. This is a trivial amount of money and is earned when by mastering consigliere or underboss at latest. In order to earn these achievements, drop at least $NY1,111,111,111 at once in the bank, be aware that the bank extortion fee will reduce this to $NY1,000,000,000.

Purchase 30 Commercial Blocks and 50 Prime Downtown Lots. Purchase 30 Apartment Complexes. Buy 10 mega casinos for 380 million, sell 10 mega casinos for 380 million. Do this over and over again until all Prime Downtown Lots are liquidated. Purchase 500 Town Cars and sell 460 of them, 40 is the number that you need to do jobs, you just may want to keep extra for fights if Town Car is the highest attack and/or defense vehicle for you. Armed and Dangerous will be automatically awarded just by going for job requirements.

Mafia Wars Achievements are waiting for you to pluck them away!

Mafia Wars Stamina Guide

One of the parts of the Mafia Wars game is to fight another Mafia player. This part of the game was taken from the real-life Mafia setting where members of opposing groups actually fight each other. In the game, for the fighting to be possible, Mafia Wars Stamina is the first thing needed.

There are two main reasons why players fight another player. First, fighting is a great way to gain experience points. One of the basic things that must be known about the game is that experience points are important to advance to the next level. Second, fighting other members allows the player to find items. Items definitely help out when it comes to increasing the attack or defense of the player. When the attack stats are high, the player has a high chance of winning each fight. The same thing goes when defense stats are high. The difference is that defense protects the player against attacks from other players.

There is another reason for fighting is to establish a reputation in the game. The more opponents iced, the better the character becomes. Get your Mafia Wars stamina up to the highest levels so you can fight better.

As mentioned earlier, Mafia Wars stamina is the necessary element in order to fight. Basically, the number of Mafia Wars stamina is the allowed times that the player is allowed to fight another player. This means that the more stamina available, there are more chances for battle. Increasing the stamina is only ideal when the player is patient in attacking other players. The ideal number is only up to 25. Keeping it higher than 25 is ideal only when the player finds attacking a good source of gaining experience points.

Get Your Hands On The Mafia Wars Stamina Blue Print Guide Now!

Mafia Wars stamina has only one way to be increased. That is by using skill points. The skill points can only be acquired when advancing a level, mastering a job, mastering all jobs in a tier and getting an achievement. There is also an option when stamina can be refilled by purchasing it using Godfather points. Unlike all other stats in the game such attack, defense, health and energy which uses only one (1) energy points to increase, stamina requires two (2) skill points to increase one (1) point. This means that stamina needs double the amount of skill points before gaining a lot.

Aside from engaging into fights and attacking other Mafia players, Mafia Wars stamina is also used to place other players in the hit list. There are instances where players attack and put heavy damage on other player’s health, money and sometimes on experience points. Since the player who attacked usually has higher defenses, the player attacked will want to retaliate but not by attacking back. He’d place the name of the player in the hit list.

The hit list is where players who would want to retaliate place the names of their opponent. Placing it in the list means offering a bounty to whoever attacks and ices the name in the list. In order that the listing is made, a Mafia Wars stamina point must be used.

Mafia Wars Strategy Guide

Master the Mafia Wars Strategy in a few simple steps…

If you are looking to win and go to the highest Mafia Wars level possible, I will tell you the secret strategy in my little Black Book.

Playing Mafia Wars needs strategy. It is not just how many people you get with your Mafia Wars Add Me. It is not how many skill points you have placed in your defense or attack as maybe a Mafia Wars Strategy Guide will tell you. Great players have excellent Mafia Wars Strategy, so effective that some even wrote books. What can that do for your game? You may just buy the book for cowards that they sell under the guise of it being the real Mafia Wars Strategy Guide. That is not in the Black Book.

Level Up Today With The Ultimate Mafia Wars Strategy Guide!

Getting enough people with your Mafia Wars Add Me is a fantastic thing. It means that you can win more fights as the one that you pick and bully on is out number. Being a true crook, you are a bully and picking fights with smaller Mafias can assure you of the win. But, in reality, is that the way you want to fight?

Let those big guns fall.

That is the ambition of any true Mafiosi. Many have ventured out of the game to search for the Mafia Wars Strategy Guide. There are some of them who had followed the other Mafia Wars Strategy Guide to the letter. Up to now, many of those players are still bullies and not winning any real fights. Are you a coward? Is that your Mafia Wars Strategy? Of course you are not. But safety first is not the rule of the Mafia Wars.

Of course, when you start, you have to be aware of Mafia Wars Defense. But it is rather difficult to actually get wiped out during the lower level of the game. The whole point is by getting the real Mafia Wars Strategy Guide you will get the POWER that you want. I have it in my Black Book.

That is the whole point of the game. Find your real Mafia Wars Strategy to make you the most Powerful Godfather in MySpace and Facebook and all the rest of the sites.

Take note that if you want to truly succeed in Mafia Wars the Strategy is to stop scrimping. You may hoard all your money and lose 10 percent. You can keep on getting robbed. But the sad thing is, there are many of those who are enjoying the free game so much that they never think of the time they have lost just hammering away. Your hammering will get you somewhere sooner or later. Maybe in a year or two you can be a Godfather. The real Mafia Wars Strategy Guide from my Black Book is the best option yet.

Compute, if you get to use the Mafia Wars Add Me strategy, how many people can you actually add in your Mafia every day? How long will it take for you to get to 500++ You can find the Black Book that will show you what the real Mafia Wars Strategy Guide is.

So, what is the secret to the real Mafia Wars Strategy?

There are only two kinds of Mafia crooks in the world.

There is the rich Mafia crook and there is the poor Mafia crook. The poor crook remains poor because he doesn’t want to invest his money on anything. He doesn’t even know how to launder his money. The rich crook buys investments, people and knowledge. To become a rich crook, get the knowledge from the little Black Book that can make you be best with the Mafia Wars Strategy.

Order The Ultimate Mafia Wars Strategy Guide And Annihilate The Competition!

Mafia Wars Basic Weapons Guide

I can honestly say that Mafia Wars Weapons are one of the most attractive features of playing the game. The developers of Mafia Wars have spent time doing extensive research on what kind of weapons are used in a specific mafia setting.

If you are tired of getting beat to ground, then get the basics weapons guide that will help you level the competition.

I have put together a detailed list of Mafia wars basic weapons and what they do. It’s simple and straight forward.

Currently, there are three places in the Mafia Wars game. The game is played in New York as well as Cuba and Moscow. The weapons are available at each of these places and can be acquired by purchase, loot and gift. Additionally, these weapons have the ability to increase the starts of the player. This means possession of the weapon can help out in increasing the attack and the defense of the player.

Limited Number Of Mafia Wars Ultimate Weapons Guides Available.

Here are some of the weapons found in New York:

Baseball Bat-New York basic weapon. This does provide protection from more attacks nor cause much damage. It gives a +1 in attack and no defense at all.

Tommy Gun-There are two significant weapons in New York which the player will need not only in attacking but also in finishing jobs. This includes the Tommy Gun weapon. By adding one in the inventory can give the attack and defense level a boost. Having a Tommy gun gives a +12 in attack and a +10 in defense

Chain Gun-In New York, the chain gun is the other significant weapon. Yield: +16 in attack and a +14 in defense.

BA-12-Assault Rifle. This kind of rifle cannot be bought in New York store. This is acquired only as loot. Get a full +10 in defense and +32 in attack.

Cuba has its own set of Mafia Wars weapons. Here is a list:

Machete-As in the the Cuban version, the game introduces the Machete as its basic weapon. The Machete is the lowest priced weapon in Cuba but is definitely more effective compared to the basic weapon in New York. It yields +19 in attack and +7 in defense.

Bazooka-The Cuban Store sells this weapon. Of all the purchasable weapons, the Bazooka offers the best increase in attack by giving out +23. get +11 in defense.

Carnazo-The Carnazo is a weapon in Cuba that can be acquired through loot. For attack and defense, it offers the best increase. It bumps up Attack by +42 and defense by +22. The “Loot the National Museum” job yields this item.

Moscow has several unique items that can only be acquired there.

The Dubina is the basic weapon in Moscow. Increasing one in your inventory means getting a +14 increase in defense and +18 increase in attack.

In Moscow you can purchase the RAS-55 weapon. Besides costing more compared to other weapons, at least it can give an instant +25 in attack and +18 in defense.

Zmeya Carbon Blade- This is one of the Mafia Wars Weapons that is not available for purchase. Do the “Hit a Vory Night Club” mission and you will acquire it. It offers a huge jump in attack by +28 and defense by +44.

There are almost a hundred Mafia Wars weapons available. The weapons offer attack and defense at different levels. Use it wisely and strategically.

A big tip that you need to know is that you can get better weapons, armor and vehicles from loot than from the store. Crime does pay!

Limited Number Of Mafia Wars Ultimate Weapons Guides Available.
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